
Hi, My name is Coleen.

A Creative Developer/QA


My name is Allyza Coleen Fabellar, but you can call me Coleen for short. I am a graduate of BS Electronics Engineering from AMA Computer College. I had a previous job experience as an Account Executive which helped me improve my ability to communicate. And now I am working as a Creative Developer/QA which allows me to practice more of my coding and bug reporting skills.

I was and still an aspiring developer with the skills in coding languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I also know how to use Bootstrap which is a front-end framework, jquery which is a JavaScript library and right now, I am starting to learn Python which is another programming language. I learned my skills by watching online tutorials, free web development bootcamps and by rendering hours of practice everyday to create a static website. Learning about technology really excites me. Which in this kind of field, a lot of learnings awaits me and what excites me more is the projects I could make in the future. Creating a website and projects for myself alone is not enough to grow in this field that is why I am actively looking for a job opportunity that would help me grow.


  • HTML

  • CSS

  • JavaScript

  • Bootstrap

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    copyright © 2020 by ColeenFabs

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